5 Sureshot ways to Improve English Vocabulary

Learning any language isn’t always easy. Though luckily there are few tips and techniques which will help you memorize vocabulary effectively and quickly. So lets get started

1. Use Dictionary

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Make a habit of using dictionary, whenever you come across a word you don’t understand while reading or listening, to find its meaning, pronunciation, and usage. Check for synonyms and antonyms of words. This can help you discover similar and opposite words, enriching your vocabulary. When you encounter a new word, a dictionary can help you understand what it means, its part of speech (e.g., noun, verb, adjective), and how it is used in different contexts.

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Develop a reading habit. You can refer to novels, newspapers, books, journals etc to improve your reading skills. As soon as you come across any new or unfamiliar word, just note it down in your diary and find its meaning. This exposure to diverse vocabulary helps you learn new words and their meanings.

3. Play word games and puzzles

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You can play games and compete in activities with your buddies, Many word games, such as crossword puzzles and Scrabble, guessing flash cards needs players to think critically and strategically about word choices. This process encourages deeper understanding of words and their meanings

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Keep a journal or diary to incorporate new vocab. in your sentences..You can look out for meanings of unfamiliar words. This process also encourages you to search for synonyms, writing also allows you to be creative and expressive with English language. Experimenting with different words and phrases helps you discover new vocabulary and this improves your language skills. Write regularly and challenge yourself with different types of writing, from creative fiction to academic essays. this will sureshot improve your vocabulary.

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Watch movies with English subtitles, to aid your comprehension, especially when you encounter unfamiliar words or phrases. Podcasts helps you hear colloquialisms, slang, idioms, and various accents and dialects that reflect how people actually communicate. Hear and Repeat what you hear without pausing the audio. TV shows cover a wide range of topics and genres, allowing you to encounter diverse vocabulary related to different subjects, industries, and everyday life situations.
